This unlocked cell phone is compatible with GSM carriers like AT&T and T-Mobile. Not all carrier features may be supported., Ultra-fast 4G-enabled, Android 2.2-powered smartphone with 4.3-inch qHD touchscreen display and dual-core 1.2 GHz processor, Wireless-N Wi-Fi networking with mobile hotspot sharing with up to 8 devices plus Wi-Fi Calling capabilities, 8-MP camera, HD 1080p video capture, Bluetooth 3.0, 4 GB internal memory, Up to 6.7 hours of talk time, up to 400 hours (16.7 days) of standby time; released in June, 2011, 8-MP camera; HD 1080p video capture; Bluetooth 3.0; 4 GB internal memory; DLNA capabilities; web browser with Flash 10.1, DLNA capabilities, web browser with Flash 10.1, It will not work with CDMA carriers like Verizon Wireless, Alltel and Sprint., This unlocked cell phone is compatible with GSM carriers like AT&T and T-Mobile. Not all carrier features may be supported. It will not work with CDMA carriers like Verizon Wireless, Alltel and Sprint..
- Amazon Sales Rank: #19668 in Cell Phone Accessories
- Color: Black
- Brand: HTC
- Model: Z710e
- Dimensions: 2.57" h x.44" w x4.96" l.33 pounds
The Sensation 4G weighs 4.2 ounces and measures 4.96 x 2.57 x 0.44 inches. Its 1520 mAh lithium-ion battery is rated at up to 6.7 hours of talk time, and up to 400 hours (16.7 days) of standby time. It runs on the 850/900/1800/1900 MHz GSM/GPRS/EDGE frequencies, as well as T-Mobile's 3G/4G network (1700/2100 MHz; UMTS/HSDPA/HSPA+).
HTC Sensation Z710E details and information
- Amazon Sales Rank: #19668 in Cell Phone Accessories
- Color: Black
- Brand: HTC
- Model: Z710e
- Dimensions: 2.57" h x.44" w x4.96" l.33 pounds
The Sensation 4G weighs 4.2 ounces and measures 4.96 x 2.57 x 0.44 inches. Its 1520 mAh lithium-ion battery is rated at up to 6.7 hours of talk time, and up to 400 hours (16.7 days) of standby time. It runs on the 850/900/1800/1900 MHz GSM/GPRS/EDGE frequencies, as well as T-Mobile's 3G/4G network (1700/2100 MHz; UMTS/HSDPA/HSPA+).